OmniWeb Help

OmniWeb Help : Reference : OmniWeb Preferences : History


The History preferences allow you to control the storage of your browsing history as well as the behavior of the disk cache which stores web page resources that are downloaded as you browse the web.

History Preferences
Your friendly neighborhood History preference pane.

Discard History when quitting OmniWeb: If this option is selected, OmniWeb will discard your history when you quit the application.

Save history entries for [x] days: Allows you to set the number of days that OmniWeb will remember History entries for. Any items older than this will be automatically removed.

Limit disk cache to [x] MB: Allows you to limit the amount of space that the disk cache can occupy. Pages that you view on the web are generally stored in the cache for a period of time enabling faster access to content that you have already viewed.

Validate cached content: This setting controls how OmniWeb will connect to a site to make sure the content in the disk cache is still valid. The following options are available:

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